The Genesis Fund is money that is set aside to subsidize the cost of retreats for those who are unable to pay the full price. As a true ministry, we must help those who are called to renewal but cannot afford it on their own.
Our General Donation fundaccount is used to help meet the expenses of the everyday operation of the retreat house.
When you designate a Specific Ministry fund, be assured that your support helps make that program a success to help those with a specific need. We strive to keep these programs affordable for those who need them so as not to add a financial burden to the emotional and spiritual burdens they already carry. The following ministries of Fatima are in need of your support:
You Are Not Alone grief ministry for suicide loss survivors;
Step UP - 12 step ministry for the homeless in transition;
Being & Belonging for divorced and separated Catholics;
TOBIT Marriage Preparation for engaged couples receiving the Sacrament of Marriage.
We appreciate Memorial Donations in honor your loved one, whom we hold in prayer daily. These funds are used to support our Chapel and Sacraments and devotions offered throughout the year.
Special Projectsare always going on at Fatima. If you would like to learn what is currently in the works, click here to find out more!
There are several ways to give financially:
Donate online by clicking HERE or on the link provided below.
Put a check in the mail with a note as to which fund you would like to support,
Hand deliver your donation off at our office. We would love to see you and thank you personally!
For information on donating from your IRA, please click HERE
Will bequests bless Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House by adding to our Endowment Fund and meeting special needs of the retreat house. If you would like information on how you can make a memorial gift or plan a will bequest, contact Tim Rathz at (317) 545-7681or [email protected]