What is Spiritual Direction?
Fathers William Barry and William Connolly, in their book "The Practice of Spiritual Direction" define spiritual direction as:
"Help given by one Christian to another which enables that person to pay attention to God's personal communication to him or her, to respond to this personally communicating God, to grow in intimacy with this God and to live out the consequence of that relationship."
Echoing this thought, it is good to keep in mind that the real director in the spiritual direction relationship is the Holy Spirit. Given this, the primary relationship is between the Holy Spirit and the directee (the person receiving spiritual direction), and the secondary relationship is between the director and directee.
Although we do not offer "walk-in" Spiritual Direction, there are opportunities to schedule a session with a Spiritual Director as part of your Day of Silence or when making a Personal Private Retreat for a suggested donation and as spiritual directors are available.
Spiritual Direction is also an integral part of our annual Silent Directed Retreat and is included in the registration fee for the 3-day, 5-day and 8-day retreat options.
If you are looking for a Spiritual Director: the Archdiocese of Indianapolis offers a Spiritual Direction Discernment Companion that can assist you in finding one. You may send your contact information to [email protected] and a discernment companion will contact you to help you discern the right spiritual director for you.
Please click HERE for more information about finding a Spiritual Director and Spiritual Direction in general.
For Spiritual Directors: we have several comfortable and private rooms available for spiritual direction. For scheduling and fee information please contact our Registrar, Lisa Coons at